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178 results found in Sold Equestrian Adverts. Sold Horses, Carts, horseboxes, harness, etc.
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13.2hh Driving Gelding

  • 13.2hh Driving Gelding
  • 13.2hh Driving Gelding

One in a million but simply not having the time. 13.2hh 8 year old gelding, steps for fun. Up there at front most drives. What you want him to be he will, he's either a dope on rope or full pelt if you send him on, never misses a beat.

Pulled 2 and 4 wheels. Good to catch, box, shoe, tether, will live in or out. Plenty of pics and vids if message on Whatsapp.

Price: £3,000 ono - Sold

Sold by Dragon Driving